Life is a Minestrone !!

By bererunner

My favourite Mallard........

I'm of a certain age where as a child i took part in that peculiar pass time of train spotting.

Not for me those bland diesel locomotive, no, i was a child brought up on steam locomotives, living, breathing, steaming, spitting machines.

If i try hard enough, i can still remember the smell, the coal, the grease, the oil, the steam, and of course my favourite engine was the Sir Nigel Gresley designed "Mallard" a regular sight, thundering through Darlington at full steam pulling anything up to 15 carriages..........ah the memories......!!
Today of course my favourite Mallard can be found in the Moat surrounding Fort Brockhurst, here's Malcolm (just humour me) enjoying a little early winter (yes it is that cold) sunshine. I'm sure if he had teeth they'd be chattering.........

See Big Malc Here...

I'm starting a 3 day first aid course tomorrow, so trying to get a "wild" blip may be tricky........We'll have to see what the morrow brings......

Thanks for looking.


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