Northern Exposure

By Northern

Cat and cabbage

Phrases about cabbages and kings and cats looking at queens spring to mind but as only the cabbage and the cat featured in my day it doesn't really make a lot of sense.

Most of the day has been spent working. Which I don't mind at all as the project I'm working on occupies my brain most of the time anyway so I might as well get on with it.

I did however nip out to the garden briefly to stare forlornly at the amount of work the veg garden requires and found this lonely cabbage in amongst the weeds. MisterCat decided to join me and we had a discussion about him sorting out the rodents that hang out amongst the veg weeds. He was more concerned about getting his ears scratched.

Both the cats have settled in nicely. They have lovely thick winter coats now and seem to be quite happy out and about in all weathers. Slinky is not exactly what you would call friendly but at least he has been spotted carrying out his mouser duties. Unlike his brother, MisterCat is very friendly, in fact he's a big sook (cupboard love) but he doesn't seem inclined to chase anything other than the human source of food. His idea of hard work is to act as sentinal to the garden and he has sussed out all the best spots to survey his territory. Maybe they've worked out some sort of 'you spot them, I'll catch them' tag team.

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