This, That And the Other

By Kersting


Well it sure has been a bit sense I've blipped. In that time I have moved back home with family, become a single girl again, Grandpa found out he had prostate cancer, and we have had Halloween.

Grandpa is doing well and Halloween was great. I can't remember the last time I dressed up in full costume and went trick-or-treating. In my defense I did have a little one with me. I hung out with friends and their famiy and their sweet little lady bug in this picture.

It was fun to have the adults dress up with the kids and walk with them. I can't remember when I have had that much fun. Our group so much fun and the other two adults that were with us said that they had a great time and we will have to keep dressing up so their little one can say that they remember when they were little and the adults dressed up with them. It's sad to see how few adults still dress up.

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