
By eightthirty

back me up

8:30pm and chatting with Glenn and Colin.

It's great to spend time getting to know these guys a little more. A little deeper, even. It's a privilege to share life.

Questions can be helpful, hard and ultimately about helping each other grow.

Sometimes, honesty isn't easy.

Sometimes it's easier to continue in your own little bubble. Something made all the easier by the broadcast nature of online tools (when we choose not to interact, but simply broadcast or consume).

We need to stand for something, or what's the point really. What makes us stand in the face of all that life would appear to throw our way? For me it's faith. It's following Jesus and walking with others who are joining in the journey (excuse the post-modern verbiage).


But today being my last at work (after the chat with the guys, and a verbal schematic of the KCC audio systems) I worked until the wee small hours to make sure holidays start tomorrow.

Which is alright with me.

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