Jess & Molly Law

By jml

Home comforts

We have come back from our trip to Fort William (backblips to follow). The weather was wonderful, except on the way back. We were in thick, freezing mist for a large part of the way - but broke into bright autumn sunshine when just about five miles from home.

We stopped just long enough to unload the car, then we were off to Aunty Joyce to pick up Jess & Molly. The first few minutes was pandemonium as we were welcomed back as if we had been away for weeks.

Once we were back in our own home, we found some stovies in the freezer - left over from last weekend's Hallowe'en disco. That did us for our tea, and very good they were, too. Molly siezed on the dish used to warm them up; and you can see how much she appreciated home cooking!

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