In Between Days

By jase

Nearing the End

I read quite a bit extra to Alana at bedtime tonight. Alana thinks it was a bit of a treat but to be honest it was just a bit too exciting to stop! We are definitely nearing the end. Soon I will have read all seven books to her. What next? She sometimes thinks she is too old to be read to but I think it's quality time together. She also reads more and more to herself and to us. In fact I think her English has benefited enormously from it.

Louis is still enjoying his X Wing fighter. He had to show Grandma when she picked them up this morning and he played with it all evening. He seems to like it more now than when he first got it.

Grandma and Grandad have a very nice new car. Makes me want a new car too. Grandma is happy because it is a lot smaller than the Jaguar they have traded in. Grandad always wanted a Jaguar. He's had one now. They bought the car in Nottingham, which is a good sixty miles away. When they came home with the new car they realised Louis had left his Nintendo DS in the back pocket of the old one. The next day they drove all the way back to Nottingham to get it.

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