
Its been so warm today, shame the day had to be spent in work. It'll probably be raining when I have my week off at the end of June.

Made the most of the evening by taking the usual walk through Greenfield Valley. I never tire of this place there is always something to see or hear. This evening was no exception. Our little cygnet is doing well and growing bigger each day. There are lots of midgies and pond weed to feed on. Further into the valley there were several clutches of ducklings on the Meadow Mill Pond and the Flowey, the mother ducks were shepherding them away from danger. All in all a great evening stroll.

Feeling a bit yuk today though, not sure if its a cold or hayfever, all I know is I've got a really sore throat, the car failed its MOT so need to get that sorted within the next 10 days. Hey ho there is always something.

Hope the start of the week is good for all

Edit, nearly forgot to say thanx for all your views and comments on my bee yesterday, so thanx everyone

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