the one and only truly original

panther pink from head to upper neck.

I initially though it was some kind of strange quadrupedal fluffy beastiething when viewing it from the end of the lane but on closer inspection the forelegs mutated into bulging eyes. I always thought the Pink Panther looked mildly like an hippopotamus (eyes and nostrils atop the head), especially if George from Rainbow is also supposed to be an hippopotamus though I always thought it was supposed to be a cow when I was small. Even though it was pink.

Not very much achieved today though I had a nice walk back from Ayr town centre to the in-laws', had a nice sit on a train for forty minutes then had a nice walk across Glasgow in the searing heat with 4½ stone of baggage before another nice sit on a train and a trundle back from the station through more heat but it was all entirely worth it due to the significantly smaller bunch of keys in my pocket all the while; the car has been left in Ayr for Nicky's dad to sell. I've been recommending not owning a car for a considerable time though Nicky actually likes driving and was keener to keep it though since it sat unused for two months whilst she dithered about getting the battery replaced and at seven is getting towards the age when it's possibly going to start needing more mechanical assistance than either of us are able to/could be bothered to offer it and would start being worth absolutely bollocks-all. Both of us have bicycles and feet and we're lucky enough to live somewhere with an on-demand rental scheme for short uses besides the usual rental things for longer trips and the environmental smugness of non-car ownership is something I've long longed for. It will hopefully mean less maintenance for my trousers with one less key to jag and tear the lining of the pockets too...

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