
Thanks for all the comments and kind words on yesterday's blip. Never thought a beardy bloke and some trees and a rubber glove would get so much attention. Cheers, much appreciated.

For the new subscribers out there, this self-portrait is quite the norm. You'll get a lot of this. Blurred faces. Abstract malarkey. Beards. Goggles. Hair that is unrulier that it would like to be. Not even sure if 'unrulier' is a proper word. It is now. There's also a lot of broken stuff, old bits and bobs, mess, clutter, junk and general disrepair. Every now and again my children make an appearance to lighten the mood. They're either looking happy and/or engaged in activity with very concentrated looks on their faces. There'll also be a fair few links to film, music and general cultural pointers. Just so you know what to expect.

Music - that Dr Craig transported me back to early 80s Manchester on his blip yesterday. I'm more than happy to stay there today with this, (original 7" version, obviously)

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