Through the Eyes of Me

By kjh

Birdhouse #3 (100)

I wonder how many people have been nearly harmed in the making of a blipday celebration?
Here I was happily taking pictures of flowers and the birdhouse...whilst apparently making someone else unhappy. These nasty buggers have been taking up residence in my cute little bird house.

What a difference blip makes! A year ago I would have run screaming into the house, and begged Mr. kjh to take care of them. This year? I took a picture of course!
(I didn't get stung either.)

I am so happy to have discovered blipfoto. A huge thank you to Joe and all the elves who keep blip up and running.

A heartfelt thanks to all of you amazing blippers out there who continue to amaze and inspire me.

I really enjoy keeping this journal, and appreciate everyone who stops by to say hello and leave comments. You guys are the best!


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