
D is 13 today :) a little scary entering the teens but at the same time I really enjoy spending time with him - he is older and great to talk to - he always has been, but it's different now and very nice too :)

Lovely afternoon all together - the boys, their dad and I - very glad we can do this. Great sushi dinner - VERY glad d loves sushi as much as I do :)

I did got a better portrait but can't find the correct cable - and don't have time to look for it :). This photo is a bit odd - iPhone thing but I also kind of liked it, and it shows the importance of Facebook on birthdays :)

ps....I found the cable and this is the photo I took earlier yesterday - a bit better :) Strange lighting but I like the the look he is giving me - teasing :) He had a good birthday - which is very nice and important (I think :)

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