What did I see today...?

By DaveR

Words and Witchcraft

Witchcraft being a reference to 'Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy', of course; no witchery has yet been written in this year's NaNo, but I'm sure there'll be some (more likely sorcerery, which could lead one character into danger...)

Words celebrate my breaking of the 4K barrier today after languishing around the 1,500 mark for the last few days - I've always been a fits-and-starts NaNoer so this is quite par for the course - I may even try and break 5K tonight if I'm not too distracted by Batman/Batman Returns.

And to explain the Blip a bit more, that's a vampiric plot bunny keeping watch with Mr. Oldman. Plot Bunnies are those ideas that rattle, roll and gnaw away at your brain to give you ideas for writing. In our write-ins in Cambridge we have a whole horde of ones you can borrow to aid the creative process. What exact aid they are I have no idea, other than making me giggle manically every now and again!

At the end of NaNo if you make your target you get to keep a plot bunny if you so wish, Mr. Vampire here has been kicking around for a few years now so I'll be adding him to my collection if I hit the target by the end of the month.

Also pictured are my startlingly detailed notes for this year's NaNo (I mean, come on, that's nearly a page!) and a print out of last year's - being a direct sequel I do feel the need to refresh my memory of who is who (or what) every now and again!

Now, back to Batman NaNo...

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