Rainie Abstrast

Please excuse the pun!!!

Today has been extremely wet. I have been tucked away doing ACC stuff in a room without windows, and was very surprised when I emerged (with a headache) to see how wet it really was.

Got away at 4 pm, to the supermarket. Stopped on Craigie Avenue & took this through the window with the lensbaby f4.....I liked all the confusion in the picture, in actual fact when I put the wipers on it looked rather nice with the trees reflecting in the road but rather boring.

Confusion seems to suit my week. Tomorrow at 6.30am (oh good lord!!!) dups, chrissybelle & timguru are heading down south to The Catlins, a fantastic area of seascapes, sea lions, cliffs, penguins, waterfalls etc. It is our photography club field trip - returning back on Sunday.

I must go get some dinner organised and make a sultana cake to take.
Then packing, charging of camera batteries (I wonder how I can recharge mine?) and generally organising the camera gear.

There are a couple of very late blips here & here if you have the time......its just been one of those weeks.

Will catch up with you all next week, along with some back blips of this lovely part of our country.



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