
By RichC

Jolly Drayman

Well ..popped out to the local Spar with an "R" not a spa... with the intention of getting a blip .. and here it is :)

10 Mins after this was taken a woman who had just had her car serviced decided to reverse out of the "service/ car wash" place , and forgot her accelerator from her brake .. hence her vehicle shot across the road at full acceleration and put the rear of her car , at full speed into a car that was illegally parked .
Myself and another lady were behind the parked car on the pavement as law abiding pedestrians as it jumped the kerb and hit the lady and narrowly missed me . ...
Left details with the hurt lady and just received a call from Police as to what happened .. do you think i can remember what flavour cars were involved or if it was a woman driver or not ...NO .. as i was concerned about the person with NO protection around her..not the person in the fully protected metal cage.

All i can say is can i please have some more illegally parked cars in Gravesend since there is no doubt that car saved myself and the pedestrian lady from being killed ..or worse.

Can you also make sure that the pedestrian lady stays away from me as she revealed that a while ago a chimney stack fell off a roof and landed two foot in front of her while she was pushing a baby buggy :O

Most excitement and contact with the Police that i have had for a long time :)


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