The Idea-inator

Apparently "sleeping in" means waking up at 7:22am. Damn you, medical school.

I had the chance to sleep in. To not be in class until 1pm. So I watched tv all morning and went to get a mani/pedi. So wonderful. I almost fell asleep repeatedly while the women were massaging my legs and arms.

I have decided that as soon as I step foot in Mexico next month, I am getting a full body massage. Every. Damn. Day. for a week. I deserve it. This is rough. I've had a headache for two days straight. I'm going to fall asleep under an umbrella on the beach with a drink in my head and nothing else on my mind. And it's going to be glorious. A vacation. From everything.

Secured an A on my 2nd neuro exam. Relief. One more to go and another class is officially under my belt.

In the night I feel things leaving
I was sworn to keep

- [loren eisely]

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