In Between Days

By jase


Deep got himself a blip badge and he got me one too. Now I need to find somewhere to put it.

Alana and L went to the swimming gala tonight where Alana was racing. L says she tried really hard, which is what matters. Apparently it's her diving that lets her down. I get the impression Alana heads vertically down to the bottom of the pool while everyone else races ahead.

At bath time Louis showed me the sticker he got for bumping his head at school. I asked him if he cried and he said he did so I said I was sorry I was not there to give him a cuddle. He replied "But you can give me a cuddle now!" and he then ran at me and jumped up for a great big hug. It's the little things. I later learned that Alana was there to make sure he was alright and I like that too.

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