Living In The Valley

By CatbirdCottage

Shine on Harvest Moon

Hey I'm still here... between busy evenings and our first week of the time change I haven't had much time for the camera.

I saw this moon while I was pulling into my driveway. I parked and grabbed everything out of the car and ran into the house for my camera. I took several photos of Mr. Moon... I usually don't have much luck with moon shots. Since it wasn't quite dark hopefully this one is o.k.

I did see the most amazing sunset on the way home.... of course no photo opportunities

The Monday pinball day went well.... Dr's appt went ok, I have to admit I injured my knee (again) so we're back to that routine... and I didn't get a mohawk at the hair salon :D

PS.. I don't think this is considered a harvest it...

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