Curiouser, and curiouser.


Day Dreaming in English Class

Why do I always end up sitting by the window?
With the sky, more blue than yesterday,
Vast and open, patiently waiting to catch my attention once again.
I could spend hours, staring into the endless blue;
Sometime empty,
But more often, and like today,
Elegantly laced with puffs of white cloud.
I am, intrigued by its beauty;
By its mystery;
Its wonder.
And how it knows me so well.
Countless nights have been spent,
Speaking to its stars;
To it's moon.
What great listeners they are.
Infinite days go by,
Lost in its sun,
It its paintings of white,
Sailing past like a ship,
On a never ending ocean.
It knows, my heart,
Knows my dreams.
It was with me through the insomnia,
Through the day dreams.
Watched over me,
When God left me, alone.
It cries with me on the rainy days,
and celebrates with me, on the sunny ones.
But perhaps my thanks, is due most,
To the inspiration it give,
By keeping its secrets, secret.
And I know,
No matter where I am,
No matter what I've done,
I can always,
Go back,
To the sky.

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