
By Sox

Striding Out with The Old Girl.

AMP Show Day in Christchurch today. We have always attended it, even when living an hour away by plane, we used to come down to do "the Show" with Poppa and the boys. Nowdays we all seem to go in separate cars and kids disappear the whole day with friends and only come back for money! Still the same old favourites re-appear and this man was my favourite of the day. All in character with his "missus".
Eldest son went off for the day with friends and then we saw him in the Grande Parade at the end of show, leading a big cow around the ring. We couldnt believe it as we hadnt know he was going to do that, and the little boys were running along the fence calling out "where did you get that cow??' much to the amusement of the crowd. He was wearing some trousers which he had hastily bought from a stand 15 minutes before the grand parade as he didnt have appropriate clothing to wear. He then turned up on the national news footage, leading this cow, which has totally made his day as his friends who actually owned the cows, didnt.

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