Maid in Cornwall

By curlycarrie

Windy walks.

Had a wonderful windy walk on the beach, got caught in a hailstorm, loved every minute of it!!!

Now, I need to write about something very personal. I've been debating with myself all morning whether or not it's appropriate but I've come to the conclusion that this is my journal, and if writing about it helps (which it will, the more I talk about it the more real it gets) then that's what I need to do. I don't it want it to be some dark unmentionable secret. So, if heavy shit isn't your thang, now is probably a good time to stop reading ;)

Yesterday I was diagnosed with breast cancer, to say it was a shock would be an understatement, it's all happened so fast. Found lump, visited GP, 7 days later I've been tested and diagnosed. It still doesn't seem real, it's only the pain from the biopsy that's telling me that I didn't dream it all! Sitting my parents and daughter down last night to tell them was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I think we're all in shock, but there's no question that we are all going to fight this thing together. I've really got so much in my favour - I'm 37 so age is on my side, the cancer hasn't spread, it's been caught really early so the prognosis is good. I have a fantastic network of support both here and across the Irish sea. I know that my friends and family are going to be with me every step of the way until we kick this bad boys backside into orbit. I've got a combination of chemo, surgery and radiotherapy to look forward to, have an appointment next thursday to decide which order to do these in and then it will be a matter of weeks before we get going with it.
I know that I've got a horrible time ahead of me but for now, I'm making the most of feeling reasonably strong and well and I intend to do nothing between now and starting treatment other than enjoying myself. I want to keep blipping for as long as I feel able and I need to spend as much time in my favourite places as I can. My journal isn't going to become a cancer journal, but as it's going to be such a major part of my life for the foreseable future it will probably sneak in from time to time.
So that's it, just got to focus on the fact that this WILL have a happy ending, it's just going to be hard work getting there.
(I've switched comments off just for today, my beaches quite often get into the spotlight but this is one blip I really wouldn't feel comfortable being there. Back to normal tomorrow).

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