I meant to steal one of my dad's multiple high-visibility tabards the last time I visited but didn't get round to asking. I'm not sure how much I'll wear this but as Lothian Buses were giving some to Spokes and The Bike Station to distribute to the poor and needy cyclists of the Meadows it would be rude not to accept. They had either run out of lights or deemed me already suitably well-lit but I got a couple more snap-bands (to add to that picked up on the postcode challenge which I sometimes remember to put on) and a couple of ankle-bands for when it gets cold enough to wear longs. Unfortunately the tabard appears to be completely windproof and was thus causing me to sweat horribly on the remainder of the journey home but at least this year I'll have a completely visible back, rather than the rucksack-obscured back previously visible which rendered the visibility of things worn beneath it less important.

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