Old things...

111111... surely that's some kind of important binary code... it is also a historic day,

Armistice day is the obvious significant association with the 11th of November, but the lesser known one is that it's my birthday...

Yesterday in reference to my butterfly blip, lovely Jenny said cant believe how old it is and kept its looks so well well I'm hoping the same statement applies to me as I am 34 today... but I'm not going to test the theory with a self portrait so you get another shiny old thing instead...

This is a Nef... (see it up close) which is an ornate table decoration in the shape of a ship. These would hold cutlery, napkins and originally salt... It would be placed by the host or the most important guest in the room. the further away you were from this, the lower your status, hence the phrase below the salt...

So that's the history lesson over with...

Anyway, I've had a splendid day, woke up to presents from Dave, then went to work and my mate Katie had made me a massive chocolate cake, then I bunked off at lunchtime and gave my mum and dad a tour of my favourite bits in the new museum, followed by lunch, then some shopping with my mum, a ghost tour and then a huge slap up Thai dinner with Dave and the crumblies... I've been very spoilt. : )

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