Five things

By fivethings


1. Having slept a little too close to the actual train tracks of Kings Cross we agree never to use this hotel again. We head out walking to Sadler's Wells where our event is happening. It's a very lovely walk through what seems like real London.

2. Once there, it's a belter - an international delgate list, a full room of cool folk we want to talk to and a chance to tweet properly using my new name with purpose.

3. A great event - we catch up with the National Theatre of Wales. I try not to sound like an old fart. Sad that we can't actually meet up, we askTessa what we should see. We book pronto and head to Seven Dials - we have time for food first.

4. Proper Mexican. Sticking to our guns - we don't get this at home. We stand in a line for the tiniest of time with a Margheritta in hand. We eat up a storm. Truly, truly ace.

5. And so Matilda. This is the set, before it even starts. You think it looks good now, this is nothing. Ace. Ace. Ace. Tim Minchin, yup I get it. Dennis Kelly, yup, I love him. Roald Dahl? Oh aye. All those things together? See for yourself. Urgently. It's magic. Utter utter magic.

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