
On a dam somewhere on the road (actually, it is "Windamere Dam" near Mudgee). Traveling to the Blue Mountains. We did a bit of a detour as we found our intended campsite at a popular backpackers hostel a bit crowded and rocky, so we set out to the next place we new of. But that wasn't actually what we wanted either (to much steep unsealed road, a national park that was closed for cars at night, etc), so we found a campsite (a bit of a caravan park-ish one actually, but hey, it was getting late) via the tourist info. This thing was about 1 or 2 kilometer from the first spot we tried that day, so we had to go back some 45 minutes.

But in the end no real harm done, a good spot found for checking out the touristy Blue Mountains, and a good starting point for our last leg towards Sydney the day after the next.

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