Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium

Mr & Mrs


Just a quick shot from yesterday's wedding. I do love when the bride and groom are walking back down the aisle as husband and wife for the first time, could she look any happier?

Unfortunately the weather yesterday was absolutely shocking. Blowing a gale and torrential rain. Coupled with absolutely no light, it made for a *very* challenging day at the office. But it was a great wedding: lovely couple, unbelievably friendly guests and a great atmosphere of fun and happiness.

The wedding was in Donegal, near my home town of Derry, so I was able to stay with my parents instead of doing the 2 hour drive home at 11pm. Very, very welcome!

Disclaimer: this was edited on my rather old, uncalibrated laptop. You know you're not on the right track when your b&w conversion looks blue on the screen! Apologies if there are any exposure issues :)

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