Gifts of Grace

By grace


We haven't had a duck for a while. A peaceful half hour down at the water's edge recovering from yesterday's exertions.

When many were celebrating 11/11/11 in different ways I found myself doing bodywork at a charity event to raise funds for play for pre-school children. Never having had children myself, this is an arena that appears in my life at odd intervals.

The majority of my regular clients are over forty. Some of my favourites are in their eighties and nineties, their history writ large in their bodies. At times I feel I am communicating with venerable and ancient trees, rooted in times before I was born.

Yesterday was different. Six of the ten women I laid my hands on were pregnant, all of them under thirty-five. Such pulsating life! Such struggle and striving, such sweet surrender. So much young life. I am grateful to all sixteen of them for letting me close enough to feel their presence, to be touched by their possibility and potential. These are the ones who will live when I am long gone, who will inherit the world we are making. Every one of them, of us, struggling to be born into the new. May we all learn to let go, to trust, to flow.

Like this duck cruising into the blue sunset. May such peace be with us all.

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