
By mollyblobs


After another resolutely grey start, this afternoon we were fortunate enough to see some rather hazy sunshine. In fact it was a perfect day to walk along the river, mild with scarcely a breath of breeze. I was quite comfortable wearing just a shirt, though I noticed that most of the other walkers had coats and hats on!

I was surprised to see that the ivy blossom still had plenty of wasps and hoverflies busy supping nectar. I was even more surprised to see a dragonfly zooming over my head! Many plants species are flowering again: I saw plenty of hogweed, dandelion, white dead-nettle, prickly sow-thistle, creeping thistle and bristly ox-tongue flowers. The reflections were wonderful again, and I particularly liked the colours and shapes in this image - the red is from a bridge and the yellow from an ash tree.

I'm blipping early tonight as Pete and I are off to a pudding party - and I have a lemon roulade to assemble. Fortunately the Migraleve worked and he's feeling much better today - I had wondered whether I would be going on my own!!

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