Clérmont trompe l'oeil

It's been a while since I've blipped a balcony! A day out in Clérmont l'Hérault, shopping for olives and tapenade so that E can take some southern flavours home with her and wondering around the town which has a long history of wool and leather production. We found a very good restaurant tucked away on the edge of the old town - Le bistrot du Marché, les remparts - where we had an excellent lunch, one of the best meals we've had for a long time: interesting, beautifully presented food with Mediterranean flavours, a chef with great ideas and good service too. Highlights for me were....well, all three courses, the terrine of aubergine and tomato with jambon cru, the rare beef with olive, tomato, orange and wine jus, and the marquise de chocolat for dessert. Nice that we can send E home tomorrow with some memories of the tastes of the Mediterranean even if the sunshine has been lacking.

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