send me back to the wild!

By davidpritchard

Energy boost

A piece of advice for you: if you're going to try and find something that you've spotted through the long end of your zoom lens, be prepared to travel further than expected. I spotted these windmills whilst I was out looking for a shot last week. They didn't look that far away. They turned out to be twice as tall as I had thought, and almost ten miles from home. They're pretty new, with the result that they don't appear on any of maps. Which is why I ended up trekking through woodland to get a decent view of them.

I know that a lot of people don't like them, but I would rather see a hillside covered in wind farms than pylons and overhead wires. These ones in particular have a very elegant appearance, with the slight curve on the blades.

Nikon D300; Tamron 18-270mm @ 130mm; ISO 160; F/13; 1/4s. VC off.

Another image here

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