Diana_Field Photography

By dianafieldphoto

316 / 365 - I want to...

Dance and Sing!

I can't let anything else get in the way of applying to colleges, and I'm going to be brave and give the Uni thing a go also.

I love photography and this year working full time as one has been great, so much fun and a great experience but it is just not active enough, I'm lonely working on the computer every day all day editing, and I really miss dancing, singing and performing! My injuries are coming back, painful and all I'm doing is sitting down and because of this, it's worse. Being up, active, dancing, fitness keeps my injuries happy, I need to be doing that! And it keeps me happy, I miss it so much!

I will of course continue doing photography but I realize now I need to devote my full time to doing what makes me feel alive and on top of the world. When I'm in that dance studio, classical music on, improvising and just moving feels so amazing, contemporary dance is the most beautiful and meaningful in the world. I'm going to put away my worries, low confidence, and concerns of ability and level, the fact I learnt about Contemporary at a late age and work for it. The knee injury recovery and what I've learnt from it has taught me I can work towards anything and overcome what I need to if I really am determined.

Can't wait to return to ballet classes soon and hopefully more than once weekly, whilst still practicing at the gym. (Of course though once the work on the TV show is all wrapped up!)

So this is my list of courses and colleges/uni's! Oooh I also found a 'florescent' white balance on my camera to make this pink! Mixed with the pop art filter!

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