Hanging On

Yes, and joy was just a thing that he was raised on,
love was just a way to live and die.
Gold was just a windy Kansas wheat field,
blue was just the Kansas summer sky.

The sky, the maple leaf, the beautiful Sun, all made me think of this.

In reality, Son #1 is temporarily banished to his room for winding up Son #2, I've still got to finish off the painting and there's school work to prepare for tomorrow, on the laptop for which I have left the power lead at work!

I'm off to watch Son #1's second rugby game this afternoon - Bristol vs Neath I think. Let's hope he's back from exile by then.

It was either this or this!

STOP PRESS: Disregarding the mushy, sentimental mood I've obviously been in today Son #1 has finally lost his first tooth - Look how proud he is looking!

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