Northern Exposure

By Northern


2 and a half weeks ago this handsome chap looked like this. Grown up a peedie bit hasn't he?

Well I say he, he may well turn out to be a she... but we don't worry about such trivial things, it will become apparent one day.

Groover is 3 weeks old today and starting to grow his proper feathers. Big sis, Peep, has one's that are even more advanced but she refused to sit still she was too busy preening them.

As you can see he is covered in a light dusting of sawdust. The ducklings need cleaned out every day now as, well to put it bluntly... they shit everywhere. Our one duckling last year was stinky enough but multiplied by 5, peeeuuughhh! Almost makes me wish I hadn't had my nasal polyps removed.

Tomorrow I shall attempt to take a blip of some smaller ducklings. Our duck Trout has managed to hatch her brood. We think there may be 15!!!!

Anyone want to buy a duck?

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