The high road

By Travellersjoy

Colourful Cottage, North Side Sheepshead.

I went out for a little jaunt today to explore some old ruined cottages. There are many of them on the Sheeps Head peninsula that have been abandoned at various times in history. At the beginning of the great famine the Sheeps Head had a population of about nine thousand people, today there is less than one thousand. Many people just left their homes, clothes and personal effects for the promise of a better life. Maybe the grey day was a contributory factor but I started to feel quite depressed as this same story of emigration is very relevant today during the current recession. So I decided to blip this very colourful well maintained West Cork farm house to portray something more positive. I love the way the old houses were built nestled into the landscape, unlike some of the modern houses which look as though they have been dropped into the landscape from a helicopter and are so disconnected from their surroundings!

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