
By andyclicks


I'm sorry that i'm uploading this over a week late :/ I've been slacking on the whole blip-front. I have taken a photo every day since but just haven't been blipping. Partially cause I have to do this one before I can do any of the others, and I guess it just seemed like a lot of work. But i'll catch up now!

Anyways yes, 365, it'd be much more impressive if i had blipped every single day for that long, but due to the lack of laptops and other factors that just wasn't possible. And i'd love to say that i'll do it for the next year, but again I can't guarrantee that it'll happen. We'll see.

However lets carry on, so today was bonfire night. And like i said yesterday i'd sort've organised a bonfire night party thing. I had music centre in the morning as per usual, then i came home and was asleep for most of the afternoon. Then after waking up I did a bit of the ol' artwork, drawing the chickens (who were in a very uncooperative mood-pecking me, jumping all sorts), then left for my friends house for the fireworks.

I got there a little bit earlier, just so we could sort out where to do the fireworks and stuff while it was light. The rest of the evening went really nicely, we played some cards, cooked dinner, ate a MAMMOTH amount of food. Then did the fireworks and sparklers and stuff. They actually went pretty well, no near-death experiences. Although one firework did go up a bit, then verge of horizontally in the opposite direction.

I did try to get a photo of us all with a firework in the background, but this plan didn't go too well. Neither did my plan to get a photo with sparklers spelling out '365'. When one person may have managed to get a recognisable letter, the rest tended to be random shapes, however cool they were.We did plan to do marshmallows on the bonfire after this, but the fire was so hot that we just gave up and went inside for more food.

This was the time at which Becca (whose house we were at) decided to say that we were going to make some spider cakes, which was all good so we did that and then decorated them with nutella and stuff. which is where this photo comes in...

I know I wrote quite a lot on this blip, but it was a pretty good night. Also my style of writing is really boring and omniscient and far too chronologically structured. I made the candle cake just by chance when I was mucking about, then jess reminded me that I should just put a 365 on it too, and it turned out not too badly!

This would be the point where I should thank you all for your continued support and comments and stuff over the year, which of course I will do, but I won't get too emotional, as much as I love blip and everyone on it, i'm not winning an oscar. But yeah, thank you anyways!

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