Wisdom Begins In Wonder

By bobzilla

She's a big girl now!

We started potty training on Saturday. Day one was a complete disaster but day two held promise. Day three however has found us with only a couple of accidents and a daughter that has finally realised she doesn't want to wear a nappy any more.

All this of course has meant that over the last few days I've got nothing done as I've been running about after her everywhere she goes in case I miss something.

Today she came into our bedroom and sat on the window ledge, relax it's only about 18 inches off the ground, and the sun was shining in from behind her. I've been waiting for ages to try out some silhouette shots and a managed to get her to sit there while I ran for the camera. She even sat for a few minutes so I could get a couple of shots which is unheard of! I kinda like how it came out :D

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