Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero


Since I use "Vanity" as a title, you may not believe that this was a coincidence. Two days after blipping an old portrait of me, my housemate found an ancient photo album behind a radiator as he went around the house bleeding the air out of the heating system. It's from my year of study in Rome, 25 years ago. Back then I wrote "Italy, Feb. '86" on the back of the print. Evidently I left the album behind when I moved out of this same house in 1993.

Romans used to stop and ask me for directions, assuming I was one of them! Those were my moustache days. A few years later in India, people would tell me I looked like a donga (thief) because the stock thief-characters in Bollywood films wear the same moustache and sun glasses. I do miss those days!

That's my blip for today: the model behind the painting. Tomorrow's promises to be a lot more grouchy, since Occupy Philly's stay in Dilworth Plaza comes to a crisis then.

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