My Aim is True


Stealth blip gone wrong

Was trying to blip the jakey in the street, by pretending to fumble for keys while simultaneously operating camera casually held in hand. And got this, so it'll have to do.

Didn't leave the building all day, but reports were coming back to me that it was in fact a fine day.

Some people just don't want help do they? - despite masses of advice, guidance, support and counseling it's just Groundhog Day, again, again, again. I despair! No more advice will be forthcoming from me. Silly bugger.

Chilled out at home after work.

So...can anyone tell me - why has Steve fallen out with the bookies, what happened in the cellar, what did Michelle say to make him turn to Beckie, how did Janice's bloke let down Ken & Deirdre, and why is that Scottish bloke , 1) in a wheelchair and 2) working in the factory? I seem to have slipped behind!

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