With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


of his 'Bravest' sticker the nurse gave him after having his stitches out without a flinch.

I took both the boys for a menu to celebrate what is hopefully the end of that episode. It looks a bit dramatic still though... The yellow flash behind him is one of the workers that lunches in Can Lluis, the best value menu in town.

I got back to a little tennis this morning before the rain settled in again. I think I may feel a little more sore than I already do over the next few days. Not muscles, but achy bones. ( I know, that's probably impossible) Anyway, it was great to get back to using up some energy and get the heart going for a reason other than nerves.

I've got more new piano pieces to learn and a little duet to do with Agu, which I'm really looking forward to.

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