Sunset over Venice

My third Venice backblip. It was the day of the Park Race today which is a smaller scale orienteering event held on the eastern end of Venice in Saint Elena. There is a park but blink and you've run through it, so the event went through it and then into a complex of housing and canals. The idea is to give competitors a taster of what is to come in the big race tomorrow. It was great fun and quite straightforward technically, good to get the legs going and settle the nerves for Sunday!

Afterwards we arranged to meet clubmates for a meal near the Event Centre on the Riva San Biagio so I took to blipping an enormous cruise ship which was passing by and dwarfing the Venetian buildings. When it had gone, the sun was just setting over the Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore and the Santa Maria Della Salute church on Dorsoduro - don't you just love Italian names!

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