running commentary

By Stesedthat

Oh to be back in New York for christmas

As tourists have surely done for years when their holiday is at an end - as I left New york I took my last photos from through the bus window.
They were very poor photos.

My lack of knowledge (and lack of DSLR at that time) was partly to blame for the poor results.

Today I found myself in the passenger seat as we left Keswick heading East on the A66 (Dont worry, it wasnt Scamp who was driving)

As we passed Latrigg and Blencathra on our left I put myself in 'tourist' mode and wondered if there might be a way to get better photos from the fast moving vehicle.

The biggest problem was that immediately alongside the road was lots of tall trees completely spoiling the view most of the time. To combat this I deliberately focused on the far distance and locked off the focus.
To ensure the area beyond the trees came through as the obvoius interest of the photo I ensured the trees were subject to plenty of motion blur by choosing just 1/100 sec for my shutter.

So hey presto - a reasonable shot of the view from the moving vehicle.
Yes I know it's still pretty crap, and stopping the car and standing in a clearing would have provided a better photo of the village and mountain - but that is missing the point which was how to try to make the best of the very last chance for holiday photos.

FYI - the village is Threlkeld and the hill behind is the beginning of the climb of Halls Fell which is one of the many routes you can take to get to the top of Blencathra. If the summit hadnt been covered in clag then the image would have looked 10x better with the skyline clearly delineated againss the summit plateaux.

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