Cats & Dogs

By thecatsmother

Yin & Yang #2

Reuben and Charlieeeeeeeeeeeee Up a Treeeee-eeeeeeee, K-I-S-S-I-N-Ggggggggg!

I know...two days, two cats, but it's a dark dank evening, and I am tired! And this one does have a puppy in it too!

In other news, my gloopy contact lens that aggravated me all day yesterday turned out to not be anything to do with my lenses, I have a (drumroll) Post Vitreous Detachment, and a ruddy great floaty blur right in the middle of my vision. Not hugely serious without other symptoms, but that's not going to stop me using it as an excuse! I have already managed to get the fire lit and supper in the oven.

...I can't.... (dramatic pause) eye.... (sigh.)

And the nippy drops that everyone moans about do not nip at all!

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