The Neville Files

By neville


I went to Church Street Market to do a recce for another of our market projects when I was accosted by a stall holder shouting that I can't take a picture of his stall. I said it was a public place and I'm just taking general pictures of the market.

He carried on screaming and shouting and when he threatened to call the Police I said he should do just that. By this time many other stall holders joined in, mostly taking his side. Unfortunately a sub-racist joined in saying that I was right and they should learn the rules of this land before coming here. He eventually calmed down when I explained all he had to do was tell me he didn't want his picture taken and to ask me to delete any pictures of him - he actually wasn't in any but I deleted the picture of his stall to placate him. I said this was more fruitful than threatening me with the police.

I later had a nice chat with an Afghani stall holder and told him about the project and explained I had nothing to do with the racist wanker and disagreed with his comments, even though he was right about taking photos in a public place.

I mean, what a load of old bollocks! I hate people sometimes.

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