The Chaos Bros

By vik

Painting Bro

School inset day here today and with the 3 smallest Bros packed off to Grandma's, Bro1 & I set to work painting Bros3&4's bedroom.

Admittedly due to not waking until 9:30am (oh what a shame!) we didn't get off to the earliest start but it's now just gone 6pm and it's all finished! Two coats on the walls and one on the ceiling with a trip to the shops mid afternoon to get some wine while the first coat dried. :-) It's wine o'clock for me and 7up o'clock for Bro1.

Tomorrow it all gets put back together with large dinosaurs on the wall & new duvet covers for their beds ready for their return from Grandma's. Bro2 has booked his room redecoration request for the new year as an ancient egyptian theme. Bro1 is happy to keep his rainforest room as it is for the time being, phew!

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