
Its that time of year when the 'best of' lists start appearing and earlier this week Rough Trade, an organisation that I hold in very high regard indeed announced their albums of the year. I'd never heard their no.1 choice, I'd always meant to, but somehow never got round to it.

But thanks to nostatic and the streaming link he kindly sent me I can now happily report that I've listened to it several times and it's utterly magnificent.

And, just for completeness sake, I wrote a few words about Mr Pearson somewhere else which I'll replicate now. It's not something I'm going to make a habit of but here we go...

"OK, so when Heathcliff came out of the fog on Those Moors after his years away, what he should have done was said, "Cathy, make yourself a brew, sit down and play this limited edition wax cylinder version of the Josh T Pearson album from start to finish. That's what I'm about. That's me. In a nutshell. I'm an intense, brooding, troubled man and even if we get together I might run off with someone else or be thinking of another even on our wedding night. Take it or leave it, love. And I promise I won't come creeping around and peering in your windows at night like a prize loon anymore." It would have either done the trick completely or she'd have run an absolute mile and got herelf a nice wee bedsit in Bradford."

And finally, this is me in the picture by the way, Josh's beard is far more impressive.

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