Where is this?

This could be California or Oregon with the Abies concolor and Cystius scopulorum, but not it is Isla Victoria Arboretum in Nahuel Huapi National Park Argentine. It was here from 70 to 90 years ago that conifers and trees were brought from around the world to see how they would survive in Patagonia. Some have thrived a little to much and have spread beyond the what was inteded or was this the intent all along? Others have adapted well but not spead much or at all, and others never survived in this harsh climate

For all of our history people have moved plants around the world both to the benifit of the plants and people. People have caused problems aswell by changing native ecosystems and bringing in species that took advantiage of these changes in systems that worked fine without people. Next time you are in the grocery store or walking down the street look around and think about where the plants and thir products you buy to eat and enjoy with your eyes in urban areas come from. I bet you wouldn´t have to look far to find plants from Asia, Europe, North America and South America. Australia would probably figure in too if you looked a bit harder.

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