a w a y

By PoWWow

H a p p y B i r t h d a y : MONSIEUR ~F R O U D~

A W O O O P - HA-HA : what better excuse to continue eating like kings + queens throughout this celebratory week than to raise a honky-tonk glass of vin rouge to our friend N i c k : 30 years of age! Earlier in the day we'd snuck into his porch + left a range of wobbly bobbly paintings, then to return in the thick of the evening to share the most sensational MASS gourmet feast I've ever had the pleasure of indulging in. With none less than 23 hungry badgers, all inhaling with similarly little grace this fine delicious food cooked by thee Tom and Zoe we gorged our way into the early hours. I couldn't believe the special service that this P o W W o w received ~ with my own personalized vegan version of every edible attribute brought to the table.

If only I'd been twenty foot tall, so that when I towered above the chocca table standing on double tip toes to take this photo I would have been able to get everyone in the shot- and regrettably so, the birthday boy is not pictured.

Thank you for having us.

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