Friday Foto

By drmackem

Sabbath Rest

Another misty, murky day here.

After Church I went in search of sunlight, went up to Beamsley, but it just got cloudier the higher I went rather than the hoped for climbing out of the clouds.
So in search of an obliging tree to be all moody and lonely to blip I stopped by Bolton Bridge and found this spot and stopped and rested.

I was brought up with a rather negative and severe notions of Sunday and Sabbath(some rather positve and good ones too). Don't do this, don't do the other, don't miss church'll end up in the other place.
I've discovered what I think is a more truthful notion of sabbath in recent years without loosing faith, in fact I think I'm finding more of faith and less religion.
So not "don'ts" but "do's" - sabbath is more about Rest, celebration and creating these days, I find when I intentionally go after these things that I am left somehow more than I was before and more able to bring to myself and others the best bits of who I have become. So Sabbath for me becomes re creation.

Driving back I rediscovered on the shuffle a track "Speyside" by Athlete, which I first heard live in the summer festival season 2009, and remember listening to after dropping my eldest off for the first time after her leaving home. I love it's drive and energy and the words for me are still worth stopping and listening to.

Take my hand,
It'll be alright
We'll get drunk
on each other. oh.
It might take us a long, long time
to ever understand why

I can't take this all on,
on my own
Those subtle rainbows we saw on our
way home,
well they said
It's okay
It's alright
We're not ones to give advice
Just take care of your sons and daughters

You say "stay"
and I say "just let me go"
We can fight
for an answer. oh.
If I could I would sing you a place
where joys embrace all our cancer

She's all wonderful and grown up and amazing and independent and beautiful and listening to this song made me smile and be greatful for all that.

What re creates you?

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