'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

To be a Swan

Swans are quite significant in my life at the moment. I was given the advice of always making sure I was like a Swan; serene and graceful on the surface whilst paddling like mad underneath. It was the best advice I have been given. Now, if something is not going the way it should, noone around me would know that I am panicking! Every good leader always has a good day! Funny that I should end up at a school with Swans as it's symbol!

Three beautiful things;

Productive - have been really productive today and got a lot achieved both in terms of home and school work. Hopefully will have everything reaqdy for our SIP visit on Wednesday.

The beach - unexpected visit to the beach is always a great time. Spent two hours with my friend, her daughter and the dogs at Slapton today. Making the most of some sunshine whilst we still have it!

A cream tea - Yum, after playing on the beach a Cream tea was just perfect. This time of year is lovely as the cafes etc are a little quiter after the holiday season has finished which means the locals get a chance to enjoy the delights of a quiet cream te or bacon butty. It was well earnt though - had to clean the sink after E tried to wash her feet in it! Bless!

One thing to be grateful for:
Laundrettes for drying sheets and towels!

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