
Nothing tests a faith barometer greater then change. Oh how we can fear, stress and worry about change. But that's not really a faithful stance. We're taught that trusting in God (I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears... Ps 34:4) removes all fear, stress and worry. So when change occurs we need to fix our eyes on the one who's watching over our lives, the one who loves us, the one who created us to prosper and to live in fellowship with him.

I've personally grown to love change... I find it exciting and refreshing. I trust in God's will for my life. God's will, that's the key phrase for me. If it's God's will that's being done then I'm good, so that's where my prayers are concerned. That whatever change is coming my way is God's will and not anyone elses particular spin or politics.

So with our daughter and grand children moving back home, my senior pastor (my boss) retiring, and my parents slowing down in their eighties... I'll be checking my barometer frquently.

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