Embracing the Darkness

We went to Durham for the Lumiere festival. It was brilliant. Yes, the streets were packed; yes, it took an hour to walk what would usually take 10 minutes; yes, it felt like we were being kettled down the hill and over the bridge. Yes, there was the most rude man ever standing behind me; but still, the light and sounds at the Cathedral blew me away. It was amazing, the history of the Church on a screen over 200 feet high, surrounded by thousands of people was awesome (literally awe-inspiring).

AND, this was only part of the exhibition. I liked the figures that were spaced around; they were made from chickem-wire type stuff and their simplicity was brilliant. The kids liked the Rainbow bridge, and there was a cool waterfall projected onto a footbridge that I liked too.

We didn't get to see it all, it is a school day tomorrow. I hope they come back in 2013 though, so I can see some more!

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